Orange County Brain and Spine Injury Lawyers
When an accident victim suffers a blow to the head or back, he or she can suffer a brain or spinal cord injury. Both of these can be serious injuries and lead to long-term complications.
An injury to the brain is known as a traumatic brain injury (TBI). These can be known as “invisible injuries” because they don’t always have apparent physical symptoms. Rather, a traumatic brain injury victim can experience behavioral or cognitive changes after his or her accident. A spinal cord injury can impact an individual’s ability to move and to feel sensation from specific areas of the body. If you or a family member has been in an accident, our Orange County TBI & spinal injury lawyers can help get you the maximum compensation for your your injuries. Call 714-728-3385 now to schedule a free consultation with the attorneys at Shield Litigation, LLP in Santa Ana, CA.
The Central Nervous System The brain and spinal cord are the two primary components of the central nervous system. This is the body system that transmits electrical signals from the brain to other areas of the body.
Voluntary signals, such as choosing to lift an arm or leg, as well as involuntary signals like a burning sensation when the skin touches a hot object are transmitted via the spinal cord from the brain to the body’s local nerves.
Complications from a Brain or Spine Injury. Many complications of brain and spinal cord injuries occur in areas of the body other than the head and back. Complications a traumatic brain injury patient can experience include: Seizures; Permanent brain damage; Chronic headaches; Cognitive decline; Difficulty sleeping; Spasticity, uncontrolled motion or tightening in the muscles; Mental health disorders like depression and anxiety; and/or Deep vein thrombosis.
Long term complications of a spinal cord injury include: Paralysis; Loss of bowel or urinary control; Loss of sensation in areas of the skin; Changes in sexual function; Chronic nerve or muscle pain; Loss of muscle tone; Changes to the circulatory or respiratory system; and/or Depression and other mental health difficulties.
Pursuing Compensation for Your Brain or Spine Injury Damages
When you suffer a brain or spinal cord injury, you can be facing substantial financial damages like medical bills for ongoing treatment and therapy, the loss of the wages you would have earned in the remainder of your career, and the severe loss of quality of life that can come with a permanent disability. Your lawyer can work with you to develop a strong personal injury claim that not only shows how your injury was caused by another party’s negligence, but the extent of all your damages, both economic and noneconomic.
Experienced Santa Ana Brain & Spine Injury Lawyers
If you or a family member was injured in an accident which caused a serious spine or brain injury, you have the right to pursue monetary compensation for damages through a personal injury claim. Contact our team of experienced Orange County Brain & Spine injury attorneys at Shield Litigation, LLP today to set up your initial consultation with us, during which we can determine the most effective way to proceed with your case. Shield Litigation works with clients who’ve suffered significant injuries causing paralysis. Located in Santa Ana and serve clients in Anaheim, Irvine, Huntington Beach, Garden Grove & throughout Southern California. We work on contingency, which means we do not get paid unless you recover compensation. Call us now at 714-728-3385 to schedule a free consultation.