Auto Accidents
Anybody can be involved in a car accident and suffer an injury. Even if you are a conscientious driver, you can suffer a collision with another, less-than-careful driver…
Brain and Spine Injury
When an accident victim suffers a blow to the head or back, he or she can suffer a brain or spinal cord injury. Both of these can be serious injuries and lead to long-term complications…
Catastrophic Injury
A catastrophic injury is a severe injury to the brain or spinal cord. In some cases, other types of injury can be considered catastrophic injuries. Catastrophic injuries are named so because of the impact…
Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycles are a common form of transportation in Orange County and throughout Southern California. They can get through traffic faster than a car, and can fit into tight parking spots…
Negligent Security
In California, a property owner has the duty to keep their property safe for all business and guests. If the property is rental housing, the property owner also has the responsibility…
Personal Injury
A personal injury claim is a type of insurance claim an injured individual can file to pursue monetary compensation for his or her damages after being injured in a preventable accident…
Premise Liability
Property owners in Orange County have the duty to ensure that their properties are safe for all authorized visitors. When a visitor suffers an injury because the property owner failed…
Slip and Fall
When a slip or fall occurs because a property owner failed to take reasonable care to maintain a safe premises, the victim can pursue compensation for his or her damages through a personal injury claim…
Truck Accidents
Commercial trucks can be found on nearly every type of roadway in Orange County, from the 5 to the 405 and on small, local roads. These trucks take up far more space than smaller vehicles…
Wrongful Death
When a family member dies in an accident, or as a result of the injuries he or she sustained in an accident, his or her loved ones may file a wrongful death claim to seek monetary compensation…